Judy Lau, LCSW
Judy Lau, LCSW, is a New York State licensed clinical social worker with over 16 years experience in mental health helping individuals, couples, families, and groups address and recover from symptoms of trauma and oppression. Judy uses cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and multicultural approaches from social work, psychology, and psychiatric rehabilitation. Now more than ever, the world can benefit from psychotherapy and counseling amidst the COVID pandemic, environmental disasters, and persistent societal problems.
Judy passionately enjoys working with diverse people “from all walks of life”— professionals, essential workers, parents, students, immigrants, artists, LGBTQA+ community members, caregivers, and allies to people experiencing medical or mental health issues. In therapy, we can appreciate your emotions, problem solve and cope with daily issues, change “undesirable” behaviors, cultivate physical and mental wellness, pursue life/work goals and satisfaction, and practice effective communication skills for interpersonal relationships.
Prior to joining Citylink Psychological Services, Judy worked in the public, community, and private sectors. She strongly advocated for people of all ages and provided case management in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, and Hoisan. Judy received her Master of Social Work degree from Silberman School of Social Work at CUNY Hunter College focusing on Group Work and Health and Mental Health. She earned her Seminar in Field Instruction certificate from Adelphi University in Garden City, NY, and supervised social work students’ field placements.
Judy is a proud parent of two young children. She is a “foodie”, loves quality time with family/friends, and does Zumba and re-evaluation co-counseling for self-care.